Wow, this show was such a trip, I felt so many things by the simple, yet significant human moments highlighted. The slowness of life that are often undervalued and dismissed in other shows was beautifully encompassed in this show, it was such a contrast to the sensory overload that has become more common in movies/shows in our day and age.
This show emphasizes "the end of the world" as an interesting tool in pushing humanity through a different lense. The saying that humans are creatures of habit exists for many of us and to show this lense from the main character was awfully refreshing and invited a thoughtful appreciation for the small, yet overlooked details in life.
When I saw the director was also a writer on Rick and Morty, it all made so much sense to why this show was so damn good.This show restores a lot of love that many shows are unfortunately lacking right now. Humans find purpose, connection and outlet in many different ways and representing that is rewarding.