Minor Spoilers: Honestly felt like one of my favorite female lead superhero movies out there and just felt like one of the best origin stories in the MCU (probably only behind GoTG and BP). The action was great. The acting fit all of the characters well and really helped to build up the story and the character arcs as a whole. Though the humor with Larson was dry at times the action and way that they showed her "femininity" towards the end really helps to balance things out. Really loved a wild and goofy Fury and Flerken Goose for comedic relief. Seeing Mendelsohn finally acting as a type of protagonist was really refreshing to see. One final thing is that the idea of making Mar-Vell a female was a great idea since it really does give us a sense of power in which a female tutor can have on her female apprentice. Don't really understand why people are hating on this movie. Would give a sold 7.5-8/10.