Trump is certainly different to any President the USA has had before, His outstanding qualities are to be an exceptional manipulator and a very very convincing liar. If the bad truth comes out he calls it "Fake News" He will tell the people what they want to hear so as to get their admiration and loyalty. If they turned their backs he would hate them and call them losers. He would never want any of his voters as friends because they are not in his league, they are just votes a mob to do his dirty work. His job is to keep them believing his lies. If he ever let his guard down and spoke the truth, his voters would want to hang him from the highest gallows. Its all about him and his ego. The man has learnt how to get what he wants but really cant hold on to it for long when it comes to business ventures. How can anyone lose money owning casino's? His voter fraud idea came from the movie "Citizen Kane" long before he was in office. This power hungry tyrant would nuke the World if he was losing a war. He or someone like him will be the end of the World.