I've been thinking quite a lot about how a sequel could be much better ride than this and came up with one idea what feels kinda genius to me.
How about if Mark Wahlberg was made a Sully impostor and the real Sully came up as Matt Damon (who are known to be lookalikes of one another) or maybe even better as Jon Bernthal (who's probably just one call away from Holland) in case fans wouldn't mind the slightly bigger IRL age difference than the original between the characters?
Mark in that way then can be sidelined from the story or maybe just turned into some new villain.
This would be in my opinion a fun and an original twist, plus possibly the only thing what could fix the Mark Wahlberg's incompetence to do well enough the role of Sully.
Anyways, this was somewhat a decent movie, but it could had been much greater and an actual modern Indiana Jones, if only there was a better Sully and maybe more commited director with richer script, what wouldn't lack actual entertaining puzzles and lots of more extreme action instead of having added any unnecessary drama to the story.