Inspired by the 1996 academy award winner film, directed by Coen brothers of its namesake, Fargo is a crime drama anthology with 3 seasons, each season being a different story, having different characters except for a few overlaps.
With each season being a mini-series in its own, the pace is sufficiently satisfactory. Although you might find season 3 a bit slow, the ingenious plot totally makes up for it. Honestly I found this series quite easy to binge watch. The story line is tight and absolutely unpredictable with marvelous surprises and number of twists thrown in your way as it makes its way through snow clad ‘Minnesota nice’. Bloody, gruesome murders with bodies being disposed in large meat grinders, violence, drugs, FBI hostile takeovers, quirky, eccentric characters- everything you expect in a crime show and everything that surpasses these expectations blended with some dark comedy and yet with a totally unanticipated plot is what Fargo unravels.
The cast is super talented and their performances are top notch. Billy Bob Thornton is amazing as the malicious serial killer-Lorne Malvo, Kirsten Dunst, Martin Freeman, Colin Hanks, David Thewlis are just a few names from the enormous and highly talented