As a future educator, I thought it was a very professionally made documentary on the different aspects of genealogy and how the cultural and social aspects of genealogy have made their way in the lives of people. I enjoyed how, despite being presented as a documentary, it also explored a storyline of two people's genealogical paths. As they tried different paths of discovering their ancestry, the documentary explores these different areas (various ancestry sites, history of genealogical data keeping, religion's influence on genealogical data keeping).
As a teaching tool, I believe its very efficient for a class who has some background in genealogical terms and tracking to watch this. As a movie, it is very descriptive in its ability to illustrate the various aspects of genealogy, and there are some fun moments so the attention is kept. It does present itself as a serious documentary however, so for a class that requires a more fun or interactive showing would not find this as thrilling to watch. However, I believe it does a good job at presenting the different positive social sides, as well as immoral or unethical aspects that affect the genealogy subject and industry.