I really disliked this instalment of the Alien franchise, as someone who was practically raised on these movies, it was a bitter disappointment overall. The pacing of the movie just feels off and the storyline really makes it feel more like a stand alone film than part of a series, which is especially off putting given this movie arguably has the most links to the original out of any alien film.
The slow set up and lack of any actual Xenomorphs until half way through the film seems like a great idea for a Sci Fi horror movie on paper. But this is the ninth film! Everyone knows what the aliens are and how they work, it didn’t add anything to the ambience or setting. Not to mention this was supposed to be a horror movie, and I was genuinely bored throughout the majority of the film.
I appreciate they took the time to do a bit of world building and set ups for character development in the beginning which wasn’t a thing in the original films, but other than that I would say this film was an absolute let down and in my opinion; the worst one of the franchise so far.