This is the most remarkable and hilarious workplace comedy created in this decade unarguably. I watched all the first 7 seasons inside a few days and I wondered how this show kept me so relaxed and wanting more and more from these characters as the story lines kept me hooked on the ever changing plot. The writers have marvellously twisted the flow of the show adding suspense, a little bit of drama and romance and a whole lot of insanely funny pranks, jokes and it really bond us with the characters. And something I felt unique about this show is that how we felt for Michael when he was desperate with his life although we hated him when he was a nuisance and he added something to the show that I find unexplainable. And the affair between Jan and Michael is something really unique for this show because I felt deeply sorry and empathy towards Michael and it made me love his quality of never giving up. So this is one heck of a show and I recently found that Billie eilish had watched this show 12 times!