I say this very lightly, but Madden 24 is an overall improvement from last year. I have just scratched the surface with my gameplay, I don't play H2H, I don't play franchise anymore, I don't play UT. I am a career mode player with sports games. 2K Myplayer, Road to The Show, Superstar. This year was the year they brought back the mode I played so much in Maddens before 2013. When it was removed for 10 years I had to make my own career through connected franchise which was bland and watered down. This year the customization of your player is deep, equipment is deep. Graphics have improved, new uniforms. Like the Cardinals new uniforms, their helmet logo is metallic. The Vikings have a matte purple on the helmet with metallic flake, but a gloss logo and it is rendered perfectly in game. People love to hate. I give it 4 stars for it's improvement and for bringing back my favorite mode. If they continue it next year I will check it out, but if it has gone backwards I will not purchase again. Forward progress or none at all.