A dystopian future packed with intelligently fabricated action, entertaining and thrilling. A brilliantly intertwining and absorbing novel with nihilistically evil and utmost narcissistic antagonists and villains. :)
It takes up a lot of the classic sci-fi adventure and dark future/society visions adding new refreshing elements into it.
Looking at the presence and past of humanity (i.e. ancient and modern ((sex)) slave workers, the red Martians as reincarnation of British coal miners in Wales in the 17th/18th century,
the nowadays American military-industrial complex waging war over 'inferior nations' to bring them - well democracy - etc.).
And the societal criticism is not that afar from reality: Racial divisions of mankind into cast systems, capitalistic exploitation of the weak, genetic and surgical modiciations to create the absurdly optimised "Übermensch", as well as consumerism and colonialism is very well written.