The game itself is pretty difficult, but it is not as difficult as most people make it seem, im not a veteran soulsborne player but this is the same level of difficulty that i feel when playing bloodborne the first hunters in a party of 3, true the game is difficult but aside from the chained ogre i did not feel under stress at any point, it is all really just a learning progress, you should not forget how to play darksouls, just learn how to play sekiro, dodging is still useful towards some enemies and everything in the gameis there for a reason and it is up to you to use it or not, if you ever feel like the game is unbeatable just go anway, should help, if not, just remember the rithms of the attacks and parry , dont be afraid of not having to much time to play i at least beat the gamr in a month and like i said, i was not that stresed, it is all a matter of learning and attitude to get better