As a former teen mom, I thought this show was a great idea and started watching at episode one when they were 16 and pregnant. Fast forward 10 years and it teaches young girls nothing but popping out more and that nice cars and houses come more easily and quicker than your typical teen mom without cameras following them around. It has taken me years and a lot of hard work and education to get where I am at 43 years old. They got it all in what? 5-6 years? I spaced my boys out 14 years apart because THAT is how hard it is to be a young teen mom working and scraping for your future. These girls have learned poise and character and it is no longer reality. They got smart on what to show and share but have shot themselves in the foot because now it’s so boring, the ratings are down. Has nothing to do with Farrah. We were glad to see her go. But... It’s like watching my own “boring” life. Which means you kinda have it together now. Bristol is the worst. She learned a long time ago what to air and what not to air from her mother. She also whines a lot and seems uncomfortable being a mom. It is time to move on from these girls. I officially broke up with this show after watching Cheyenne’s ridiculous drama filled screaming and yelling family barbecue when her father said he loved her conditionally. She is dramafilled and ghettofied. Also, they fired David for his homophobic tweets which I absolutely don’t condone, but they are keeping Cheyenne after her racists tweets?? Please. Stop being a part of the problem, MTV. Don’t pick and choose. Wrong is wrong! And I’m sick of it being a crime to be white. I was raised to love everyone no matter their color or sexuality and I stand for things that teach the same. MTV is being very hypocritical by accepting one over the other. It’s only because Cheyenne isn’t as dangerous as David. I think David was becoming a liability. Cheyenne is just loud, rude and obnoxious.
I only kept watching for Caitlynn and Tyler because they touched my heart coming from like backgrounds and trauma as my own. But even I can no longer tolerate her sitting around talking about triggers. Cait, someone needs to be real with you and stop being so fragile with you before you lose a really good man. Woman up, accept the past, learn from it, vow to be a better parent and act on it, be involved, go on a good plan to lose 50 pounds (not shaming you, I just know it does wonders for self esteem by experience) and be the best mother you can be. Stop sitting around and thinking about the past and your triggers and what may or may not trigger you. Enough already. Bad things are still going to happen to you! You have not even experienced the worst. You are young and will have plenty more trauma in your life because that’s life! Move forward!!! You are being so blind. Watch the shows. See what we all see. Get real with yourself. Be as strong as the day you made the selfless decision to give your daughter a better life. Now give yourself permission to have the same.
Wish them all the luck.