first of all: this game should be Free 2 Play with this push towards "micro"transactions i use the term micro lightly becuase some cars can cost upwards of $250 in real money to buy. it was also nice from Polygon Digital to add the "Micro" transactions after the review of the media. absulute scum bag disgusting behaviour do you really think you could pull the wool over peopels eyes ? not a real GT game. little things to do after you finish the cafe missions. licences and everything else take a couple of hours and thats it. no endurance races no b-spec mode.
the ecomony in the game is trimmed force users to spend as much money as possible in "micro" transactions. really bad payouts and after the 1.07 patch they reduced the payout even further. honestly it could be a free to play title but I paid $90 for this nonsense. 25 years ago I played my very first GT. this is the last one. cheery on top, if you have no internet connection or they are doing updates the game is useless. you can drive arcade with a handful of cars for no money at all. everything else is turned off. this game is fundamentally broken! don‘t buy it dont give these greedy POS any money.