This show has taken me from being almost unable to walk (never knowing whether I would spend my day trapped on the top floor of my house, or on a walker etc) to massively improved balance and mobility (and thus confidence). I feel very grateful for Mary Ann Wilson.
I wish someone with serious tech savvy would get on the Sit and Be Fit team. The online presence is ghostly - it would be terribly nice in the middle of the day to decide I need a circulation segment or a resistance band workout and be able to go online and find one.
I would also like it if there was some information about how and why she decides on various actions -- sometimes she explains, sometimes not. I would happily read that info online. And the organization suggests that I might forward them some $10 a month for extras, but I see no examples of what those extras are, so I am reluctant to pay $120 a year to get them.