Firstly I came to know about the sinister dark bad unethical truth about the mega star most prestigious most privileged Mega star Amitabh bachan . He was a copy cat starting with The dollar trilogy (Clint Eastwood ) in Sholay then agnipath he copied al Pacino ( scarface ) and the legend of method acting Marlon Brando . Akshay also moving on the same path .All his movies flop and flop so trying to go for a mythology movie and the time chosen was perfect “Diwali “
1. All the focus on the lead hero and remains nothing for other which means directors producers totally dependant on Akshay to cash out the stardom which proves a fatal mistake as the story is loose.
2. Lead actress face is expressionless
3. The most imperative part of this movie is sea so time to go a little back
1997 titanic was released and the vfx computer generated images and choreographed beautifully.
Result - Ben -hur -1958 was the only movie which got 11 Oscar nominations and won all and then titanic set down an equaliser as it was also nominated for 11 oscars and won all .
Presently it is year 2022 and I don’t think that I need to write the difference between both movies which have few thing in common sea and ship .
This is related to lord Rama so I will write.
Last but not the least when movie is based on lord Rama so start should not be in Ayodhya his birth place ?
Ram Setu is existing because of lord Rama and he was born in Ayodhya .
The start is from afganistan which went over my head