This is an amazing Game it has a beautiful story With great side quests, and a lot of fun to play around in because their is so much stuff you can do in this game it’s worth the wait in my opinion. Everyone is complaining about bugs or how glitchy the game is and Cd Projekt Red is trying to fix those still. This is what happens when people rush a company to put out a game because it’s taking to long whereas most companies would have put out the game with more Bugs that is almost unplayable and fix it overtime. Cd Projekt Red didn’t want to, but a lot of people were getting agitated and wanted them to release it so they did now they are all complaining about it when they are the ones who asked for it. I have played the game since it came out for Xbox one it has glitches and bugs but the gameplay is amazing and the story is phenomenal in my opinion. I loved Skyrim even with all its bugs that’s without mods and every one who has played Skyrim knows it’s glitchy and buggy but every one still loves it. Cyberpunk is going to be a game where when they fix the bugs and glitches every one is going to love and consider it amazing game just give it some time.