The only problem with Luck Hank is that it is a smart television show based on a smart book and made for smart people. I suspect that people who do not like the show simply lack the academic experience to appreciate the characters portrayed in the show. It is excruciatingly accurate and devastatingly critical of academic egos, jealousy, and careerism.
But the core story that carries the plot along is the story of a man who feels he has been abandoned by his father, his mother, and his wife, and who feels he has squandered what talent he may have had as a young man. I suspect all of us who are Hank’s age feel a bit of that as our kids have become independent and we have lost the guidance of our parents’ generation.
While it is a tale of privileged angst and depression, that does not mean that those emotions are not real. But I would tell Hank to appreciate what he has and snap out of his funk, amusing as it is.