JJ Abrams did a fantastic job wrapping up the the Skywalker saga. Is it perfect? No. Will it please everyone? No. But it has all the things that a quality Star Wars film had in the past. Great use of the force, lightsaber battles. High stakes space battles and characters and moments with real gravitas, not to mention humor and cheese that isn't too gaggy. (Looking at you Rian Johnson) Anyway, to me it's one of the more enjoyable of the saga and gives us a good ending. I won't post the one things about the ending that I would change myself personally as it's a major spoiler but even so for me the movie is a solid 8/10. I am giving it 5 here and 10 on IMDB though because of all the lame folks that give quality movies like this a 1 star review because they want to flame against Disney or just can't be pleased about anything that isn't their idea of how the story should have gone. Very fun. Must see for any fan of the overall saga! "Never be afraid of who you are!"