Bugs effectively divert attention from the real issue of CP77 - its mediocrity.
Both design and storywise, the game has nothing of its own to offer but Keanu Reeves. The lack of artistic direction and juvenile fan service is a distinct feature of CP77.
I'll leave it to others to talk about AI and performance. My problem is 1) characters 2) writing 3) design 4) gameplay.
Characters are basically the versions of "Acting Tough" macho/chic. They have pieces of lore attached to them but interactions with them lead nowhere, and communication even with significant ones is inch-deep.
The writing was made to be "accessible". Imagine a 10-year old's idea of what "corporate" or "violence" means - this is what writing is about. It's not funny, it's just boring. For example, a corporate executive orders you, another employee, to kill another corporate top, in a plain text, in your own office, giving you a pile of cash, and you are not even given an option to refuse.
The design is not functional. It is nothing but skins and backdrops. It might work for a linear arcade game but fails spectacularly in the case of open-world. For example, you enter an office space which is supposed to be comfortable for working. But the environment is virtually indistinguishable from a night club - neon lights, darkness, lack of windows. Or let's look at upgrades - an artificial hand is attached to the middle of the hand, not the joint. So it's just a texture to give a "cyberpunkish" effect and not a functional element that an artist actually thought about. Or people can upgrade their eyes or brains - but somehow their skin is full of wrinkles. So somehow the basic cosmetic upgrades are non-existent.
Gameplay. There is nothing to do in CP77 but basic fetch quests and bullet-sponge killings. It's boring and repetitive.
Cyberpunk 2077 is not a game to love or hate. It's a game that makes you feel nothing. And it's not something to be fixed by patches. But it works. So it's not 1 out 5.