We had to read this horrific book in class. The characters are all sussy bakas and they all smell like hot dog water. "Its gob stopping," said a nearby source. The characters are bland and stereotypical (stream sterotype by StayC), and the mc is supposed to be some sort of saint. WHY DO WE NEED TO FEEL BAD FOR A ROACH!!! LIKE WHY DOES NO ONE JUST STEP ON THIS STUPÎD VARMINT LIKE WHAT THE FRIK HES NOT EVEN CRACKED AT FORTNITE MY GUY. Not to mention the constant interrupting of the other characters' dialogue! LIKE BRO WHY ARE YOU SO RUDE WHERE ARE YOUR MANNERS?? YOU PAINT YOURSELF AS THE VICTIM YET TREAT OTHERS LIKE A ROACH (derrogatory). IT SHOULD BE AGE RESTRICTIED. RATED D for death. xoxo, barry b benson and oil lotion <3 I GUESS HE LOST HIS SANITY WITH HIS HAIR LIKE MANS BALD AS JEFF THE KILLER NOW. Spare yourself the torture. Instead of wasting money and time on this book, save the turtles sksksksk ttyl ily bye!