Wow, how can I even begin to review this. Started off fine, entertaining and gender perspectives put into place, but what on earth continued is crazy. The film depicted ultimate rarities as the norm, and the blokes reactions to everything that happened was unrealistic and frankly sadistic. The writers allowed a narrative of emasculated men, to result to rape when put in these positions, when that is far from the truth. This is a 2023 gender cash grab to further brainwash young women to want to glorify the working ladder, and move further away from a balanced happy home. Accept the fact your women will go to strip clubs in the dead of night and you must be okay with it. Please don't watch this rubbish and the fact I was enticed to watch it is shaming.
You can tell a story of unthought scenarios in the workplace that is fine, but the management of this movie and it's direction was all wrong, and painted untrue and extremely rare circumstances as a norm to get women fired up on this new trend