Absolutely pathetic excuse for a game. Let me just give you a list of reasons why to never, ever play this game as it will be the biggest waste of your life and time.
#1: They refuse to ever address any bugs/issues in the game. Abilities will hit you when they shouldn't, people will randomly glitch over walls or barriers, etc.
#2: Riot has publicly said that they have little to no care for their player base, saying they "don't strive to create a fun environment anymore because the game is slowly dying." When the creator of a game says such a thing, it's time to end it.
#3: You will get banned for the most ridiculous things. If you simply tell your teammates to play along with you and stop ruining the game, Riot will deem it hate speech and purposely ban your account.
In summary, never play this game and I encourage you all to write reviews so we can collectively work to bring League of Legends to an end, as it deserves.