Fantastic show!!! Thank you both for having the courage to share your experiences, strength, and hope with others and truly showing them the hope for a way out that they desperately crave! People are dying by the minute and I commend you for doing what you can to save lives! You can't make someone get help but you can give them hope for a way out! I am a recovering addict myself who can relate to Allie's story in reference to her mother. I was taught at a young age that drugs could numb the pain and sadness I often felt as an only child in a broken home. I would love the opportunity to be a part of what you do! I feel for these people and have a tremendous amount of empathy for the still sick and suffering! Loneliness is the most difficult and crippling emotion to deal with and if I can help someone find their way out of the darkness then I've done something right in this life!!!