Yes it was a page Turner, but what kept me so engaged was the way each characters experiences are written. It isn't even first hand but I truely felt as though I was seeing through their eyes, clouded by each characters thoughts.
Erika was amazing for me, she thinks very similar to how I think and it was wonderful to be able to relate so well to a character.
Too many books are about people who are perfect, but these characters were all flawed and I really felt the 'awkwardness' and reality of life being in the small interactions. IE seeing someone you'd rather not see and pretending you didn't see them and how you navigate receiving an unwanted invitation.
This book is the most human book I have read, it's really written well. I was so emerged in the characters lives, I've picked up another of her books and am excited about it.
There was one really cringy part with Sam at a road at the end which I could have done without reading, but then again Sam seems so up his own arse that perhaps it was intentionally cringe. Either way loved the book! (clementine was up her arse too I didn't like those two, erika and Oliver all the way.
pictured Oliver as Clarke Kent BTW and developed yet another crush