This movie is a major disappointment. Phoenix is miscast as Napoleon who began his career as a young man, not the middle aged creature portrayed by the actor. There is, of course, a great deal of magnificnet scenery, settings and the splendid uniforms of that era, often described as the age of the military tailor. However, historical accuracy takes a break time and again during the movie. The worst of these are the battle scenes, particularly that of Waterloo. The director could easily have hired a military historian to assist but chose instead to rely on his imagination. Waterloo has elements of World War I, Gladiator and confusion. The portrayal of Wellington is ludicrous. It is unfortunate that the memory of Napoleon and his era will now be remembered in so mistaken a fashion by millions of the public who have little knowledge of actual history. Save yourself the cost of the movie. It is junk and will disappear soon.