I would never think that a show about a sad talking horse would be one of the best I have ever seen. It is certainly one of the best shows on Netflix but I’d be willing to bet it is one of the best shows, period. The show follows the titular BoJack Horseman, a washed-up sitcom star from the 90s, as he tries to be a good person and achieve happiness. The show has stellar animation, visuals, acting but its standout feature is its near-perfect writing. The show has consistently has been able to nail many difficult-to-write episodes, like having an episode with no speaking (Fish Out of Water), an episode that is only speaking (Free Churro), episodes that happen entirely in people’s minds (Time’s Arrow, The View From Halfway Down) and the list keeps going. The show also manages to paint a complex and complicated picture of not only of BoJack Horseman but of the entire ensemble cast, showing why they do the things they do, while still holding them accountable. Overall, BoJack Horseman is essential watching for basically anyone.