I feel if they gave us all raw audios, without cuts or ominous music, and stop talking every five seconds, It would be better. The amount of times I’ve heard “what was that” when clearly none of the cast is making noise, it would obviously be a spirit is agitating. The purposeful camera angles, and music to make it seem “creepy” is taking away from the experience. It’s frustrating to try to pieces anything together when there are a ton of distractions popping up. Another thing, do your research before going to a location. Nothing ever get resolved, no one gets actually help with issues. And the haunting continues. Never gets the orbs or apparitions on film. Make it more dramatic then it actually is. I’ve experienced things like this for years and know what to look for or listen to. The fact that they don’t give them to you is poor taste. I love paranormal shows, but this one is infuriating. Hope they can fix this. Instead of trying to make content just because.