He was clear and open enough to state in the beginning about his credentials as an investigative journalist whose primary job is to investigate and piece together knowledge from a variety of perspectives. He literally states he is not a scientist but its obvious he works with people who are in the realm of science related to archeology, geology, etc.; such humility merits respect enough to be open minded to his views that are being openly considered today. Sadly, in this day in age science and certain fields have become mainstream to say. Just because what he delivers sound crazy to many does not mean it is entirely wrong or false. Galileo is a prime example of how people who think outside the box were viewed as crazy and smeared for not being inline with the mainstream thought of the day, no one today argues against the idea that the earth rotates around the sun and how many years did that take for it was widely accepted? This show is a great way to expand our view of history and open dialogues that need not be shutdown due to peoples hubris and lack of imagination to think outside the box. I recommend to the fullest for those that are not sheep to mainstream ideas.