I've watched Don Lemon for the last few months and I always liked him. And I'm white. Considered white that is.... And I never saw the side of him I know now until the other night. And that was that he does not like white people for some reason. I guess he's got it filled in his head that he needs to support the black race and put down the white race. .. It saddens me to see him do that. He showed a piece tonight saying wells Fargo was racist. My mother has been treated well worse than what he shown on TV with Mrs. Simon's. And the night before or the night before that he showed the same thing happening to white people. Now it's black people and rasist. That really did HURT to find out that someone I trust is as impartial as I saw, and could be so misled by the Democrats like everyone else of color in this country. Claiming that All the white people and Donald Trump are racist and want to run over them somehow....
I like Don. But not that side of him.....
Don. I'm white and all my family struggles hard.... And I've been treated allot worse than allot of black people. Even poor black people. But no one cares.... Please watch how you acuse people of being racist.... Because when you do that. In allot of people's eyes, you're the racist.... And others....
I love the show and Don. But not that...✌️