I think this version of Robin Hood of our show for me it is so great because for these guys, gals did really awesome and love their acting and their acting is so terrific and so fabulous because this came out in 2018 was outstanding and really good. I love it so much like my favorite thing ever even the scrips was great and can really act it and I think it is so great for all actors to do the best acting working my favorite reading all the same words in every action can be used for everything they can do. and the last thing is to make up other words for other actors in the show of Robin Hood in 2018 and they can keep that up of course the pace up a bit anyways. and they an keep their words from all the directors they can tell them what they can achieve for their work and roles and the roles can be the best thing forever for the best roles and the staging and the fights can be too great and fantastic I think. yeah