I would have rated this a 7/10. I don’t think this would have received a 9/10, if it wasn’t related to Harry Potter. Honestly not a big Harry Potter fan, but this feels like it’s own experience. I actually like this a lot more. It utilizes the lore around hogwarts and the Harry Potter universe, but is set 100 years prior. The world is beautifully done and core gameplay is great.
The game falls flat when it comes to the writing and actual rpg elements. It feels rushed and generic in those aspects. The companions aren’t companions. They are just npcs with story quests. There is no morality aspect for your character. Certain aspects that occur in some storylines in it also just don’t make sense, but I won’t put any spoilers.
Overall I had a lot of fun with it. I picked it up on a great sale, which I don’t think I would pay 70$ for this. If you find it on sale I’d pick it up because it’s fun, but definitely not a 9/10.