This show has its moments, good and bad. I wish some things could be explained more. The first episode wasn’t really the best but as I kept watching I actually really do love this show. I like how it’s definitely a different take on the Arthurian legend. By far, my favorite character is Merlin, though I feel there wasn’t enough screen time for him. Also, I definelty was waiting for more moments between Nimue and Merlin but there wasn’t enough. Merlin definitely brings the show more excitement, I find him hilarious but also super charismatic. He definitely kept me going. One thing I don’t like is Nimue and Arthur, I don’t know why but they don’t have much chemistry and it doesn’t feel right. The acting could be a little better and I would love to see more of Nimue’s powers, I don’t think they were shown enough. Other then i was glued to this show and wish I had more to watch after the finale. I see bad reviews but I feel like everyone is expecting way to much for a netflix show, especially considering it’s a high fantasy show. I really do hope this gets a season two because I would love to see what happens to Nimue, more of Merlins magic, and more of the Weeping Monk.