Not the best not the worst.
Originally I thought it was a great movie, which for the beginning and some or most part it was.
But the problem is, certain inappropriate scenes and body parts being shown regularly.
The dictator and its concept isn't bad at all, infact I like it and can tolerate it to see the comedy but the problem is the excessive use of sexyal matters and scenes and the amount of times body parts are shown, e.g you see women top less and all, nothing covering it. If you are planning on whatching thus as a family, DO NOT.
Do not whatch it with anyone but yourself.
You need to have a tolerance or liking for such scenes to get through the movie. I skipped most of the parts with such scenes whilst whatching it. It is not okay to show such body parts in a movie. THIS IS NOT A FAMILY FRIENDLY MOVIE, DO NOT WHATCH WITH YOUR FAMILY