Dr. Attia's data and detail driven prescription for those who aspire to have a long life, free(ish) from disease is a terrifically informative, based in science and doable by those who are willing to commit to the various steps/recommendations he makes. I am recommending to all friends and family members as the infrastructure here is solid.
Yes, I could do with a bit less doom and gloom over the potential outcomes of quasi neglectful self-care. As someone who is moving heaven and earth to stay well and avoid or minimize the cliché diagnosis of aging I don't do well with an over exposure to what could go wrong. I'm in the know about these things. But I love Dr. Attia's granularity with regard to the why we need to take xyz steps/measures. I find this book a hopeful solution to the pharma programming punctuated by segments of excellent, and award winning network shows. Five stars for sure!