Undoubtedly one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It unfortunately fails to be bad in an entertaining-enough way to be enjoyable.
It seems like it was written in a weekend by someone who has heard about stories but not actually experienced one. It veers around tonally, lacks pace, looks cheap, and makes little sense most of the time.
Spoilers: The lead character worries that she is a bad lawyer and considers quitting, which she should have because she is a very terrible lawyer. She ends up trying to win a very winnable case by the one tactic that would certainly have no chance of working and that any idiot could dismantle. When it does get dismantled, she "stands up for her client" by breaking procedure in the most embarrassing way and going to jail for contempt. She, rightly, gets fired. Then she is shown the big plot twist by the old woman she ignored for the whole run time, and somehow gets credit for having cracked the case, which she most certainly did not. Then we see her reinstated as a lawyer and vindicated, when neither of those things follow from having stumbled across the truth by accident.
But I'm making it sound more interesting than it is. It is horrible and saccharine and unbelievable and stupid and an embarrassment to the craft of filmmaking.