At first I was very intrigued and excited by the show. As the episodes went on, it appeared to me that the “risky” scenarios were staged and that they needed a more knowledgeable scientific advisor. Eg: The geologist detected radiation with a Geiger counter type instrument in the bottom of the borehole to the cave. What do they use for protection to enter the cave? They chose to use Class A hazmat suits. These suits are completely enclosed except for a connection for an external air source or a completely contained, internal air (scuba) source. These suits are not designed to protect humans from ionizing radiation that was detected by the geologist. It may offer some protection from small airborne particles containing radiation because the suit is sealed.
Conclusion: Grossly wrong type of protection for the ionizing radiation that was found.
Another episode had three people in the hazmat outfits with their air supply connected to hoses leading to an air compressor supplied source at the surface. As the show unfolded, they are in the underground cave about 200 feet in exploring, when the geologist’s hydrogen sulfide detector starts alarming. Of course, everyone start panicking because of the “deadly” gas. They all make a mad scramble to get back to the borehole to be raised to the surface. The hydrogen sulfide is indeed a very deadly gas. What may be lost on the audience is that they have fresh air supplied to the suits by hoses from the air compressors at the surface, the suits are sealed except for exhaling and that hydrogen sulfide gas should not have been an immediate threat to the three explorers.
Conclusion: The explorers did not need to make a mad dash for the exit. The gas was found 200 ft inside the cave, presumably the first 125 ft into the cave had decent air and they had fresh air supplied from the surface.
The show is presented or staged as a “reality” show. It’s slowly becoming a purely entertainment show.