This film is not eye opening. No context for the struggles growing up and living in transphobic communities. Merely provides support for transphobic ideologies and further prevents people from having opportunities to be their true authentic selves.
If your child says they are trans what would you say or do? Cast them away? Deny how they feel and force them to live under your perceived notion of what a woman is?
When they become adults and they’re still trans what would you do?
All these facts and statements that people claim in the comments are empty words and definitions when it comes to the reality of someone who is actually trans. No empathy or understanding whatsoever. If you really want to be eye-opened educate yourself about the culture and community and try to see something from someone else’s shoes. Being “objective” only goes so far when you’re only considering variables you’re interested in. So much more to perceive if only people made more of an effort to try and understand it.