One of my favorite games I’ve played to date. The legendary soundtrack composed by none other than Inon Zur was tense and emotional in all the right places, and nailed the time period it represented. The character creator had so many unique options that I loved, and the game has a vast array of outfits you can change into whenever. It was nice being able to play as a stylish AND kickass ronin lady.
I enjoyed collecting all the cats, training at the dojos, and target practice. It was so satisfying to let an arrow fly into a barrel that exploded a bunch of targets. The world was filled with beautiful things that I’d stop to marvel at: flowering trees, sprawling vistas, mountains, waterfalls etc. I took every chance to use my glider to soar from one plateau or rooftop to the next. You also have a steed you can switch out and equip with different tacks.
The combat was varied and fast-paced, and I enjoyed experimenting with different weapons and styles. There are different forms of assassination you can learn, and you can drop bombs while gliding. There are different skill trees where you earn general skill points and special skill points that coincide with the traits of strength, dexterity, charm, etc. You have some dialogue choices that become available as you learn to lie, persuade, or intimidate. Loved the performances from the voice actors; they even made sure each person’s accent related to their country of origin. Americans sounded like Americans, British like British, and the Japanese characters had Japanese accents (I played in English).
The story kept me interested although I do agree allegiances didn’t make complete sense, i.e. you’d fight an ally out of nowhere or someone you just fought didn’t seem to mind. But as someone else said, that’s common in these fighting style games. It was cool that there was a romance element; it wasn’t too fleshed out, but that’s not really the focus of the game. In the future though, if Team Ninja does anything like it again, I wouldn’t mind seeing some romances that tie into the main story rather than all of it being rushed at the very end. That being said, I really do hope I see more like this from them! It was an experience that I miss now that it’s over. I’ll definitely be playing it again!