Kelly is too sappy and whiny.
Natalie is too hood and rough. Update - got better as the show progressed but too nosy.
Esparanza is too nosy and a busy body.
Lucian plays it way too cool.
Joey is wack and a horrible actor.
Eddie is evil, pure certified, unadulterated EVIL!
Randall is a narcissistic psycho!
Marcia is too vindictive and petty, even though I felt for her the most.
Alex….Alex just got on my nerves.
Brad I really don’t have anything to say about him. Update - didn’t know how to think for himself.
Louise kept it 100 after realizing her son was a joke.
Faun shouldn’t have changed after season one, I didn’t like the new person or the character change at all.
All the kids…served no real purpose their parents were hardly around them.
Update - Terrell, Larry, Ian, Bennett, and his wife were pointless characters with irritating storylines.
How do you just get to leave your shift anytime you want just because one or more of your friends have something going on personally? Unrealistic!
How does a corrupt cop get away with EVERYTHING he does even with FBI uncover to take him down? Unrealistic!
I have so many additional questions and critiques but I’m still binging on Hulu, so I may have to update this feedback later….
Update - I am a little salty I invested so much time watching this show. HAHNs was much better.
Update - #Frustrated