Like some of you, I enjoy sitting down and mindlessly watching Netflix at the end of a long day.
However, I made the mistake of looking forward to the movie Polar. If I had put it on right before I was falling asleep maybe it would’ve been better.
Mads Mikkelson played his role well and he alone kept me watching until the end.
I saw some people comparing this to a Tarantino movie...if they’re referring to the violence or eccentric characters I could possibly see why there’s comparisons, although...
Tarantino would most likely slap you himself for comparing this movie to one of his.
However, I do agree with some, that I did get a Frank Miller and possibly a Robert Rodriguez vibe, which is a bit of an insult to them as well... anyways let’s get onto it.
There are so many holes and unnecessary eccentric characters that it becomes a bit ridiculous.
Here come the spoilers...
Why do directors feel the need to make the antonganists such wacky imbeciles? Especially placing Matt Lucas as one?
There was zero story, behind him. Like why did he disgustingly use a gallon of lotion a day? And he owned a mercenary agency, but didn’t know how to fight or shoot a gun when Mads entered his office?
Also, when Mads entered Matt Lucas’ mansion, why did no one try and shoot him upon entering? And why did Lucas’ guards run right by Mads, rather than using one of the many backdoors? Also, wouldn’t Mads assume they were running to shoot him and have his gun drawn? Yet... he never does.
Next, how did the assassin group know that Mads was buying a present for the girl? And also know who and where the girl lived? That’s a HUGE missing piece!
I could keep going on about missing pieces and poor character development, however, I’ll leave you with one glimmer of hope...
The very ending is the only thing that makes the movie worth watching. And since it’s a book series, we can only hope that if there’s a movie sequel, it has a better story line and better actors.