Absolutely Awful Tribute to The Excellent Martin Scorsese Film King of Comedy.
The violence was ridiculous in its representation. The characters did not get my sympathy, they were written too crazy with no Hope. We don’t need less hope these days and We definitely have too much Live Gun Violence.
Joker also broke the #1 gun rule, and that’s unlimited bullets. Joker gets a gun from a co-worker. Magically he’s an instant great shot with unlimited bullets. At the end of the movie he’s a contrived over the top psycho killing machine.
Didn’t buy it at all.
Heath Ledger is still the greatest Joker. I can’t believe Robert DeNiro was convinced to be in the film as the talk show host. A host who ultimately tweeks Joker into his Reign of Terror, and pays for it.
Worthless Contrived and Ridiculous.