With all the negative stuff flying around about the latest MCU stuff I was curious as to how the final product would actually come out. When the first episode was released my hubby downloaded it the same day, but time got away from us and we finally had a moment to sit down and watch it.
Overall, I'm not sure why people are being so harsh on it. It was funny, well paced, a great synthesis of a Superhero origin story and a first episode in a half-hour comedy series. Yes, it is Pro-female, and I know that's not considered the "cool" thing right now, but that's exactly why this kind of show is needed.
I was especially impressed by the monologue that explains all the times that she's angry and doesn't voice it. It stated a very personal and very accurate situation for me and many other women I know. It's the first time I have ever heard such a situation from the female perspective stated so elegantly and succinctly.
The whole episode was well written, and well executed. They fixed the CGI problems from the trailers, and overall did a stellar job.
My hubby's only, ONLY complaint as a comic book fan, was that they didn't have her become a super hero because Bruce had to decide to either let her die or give her blood to save her life. That didn't bother me, as it allowed the story to remain HER story the whole way through. It sucks that Banner doesn't get his own movie or series, but not letting her story become his story means that Banner can be a meaningful part of it without stealing the spotlight or belittling her tale.
Whatever you read, whatever reviews you hear, it's a good series, and it deserves the right to make an impression without unfair bias from people who hate it before they have even given it a chance. Move over Boston Legal, you're going to have to share the spotlight. There's a new hilarious lawyer show in town. I hope they do a full 22 episodes for the season!
I would happily keep watching.