Hollywood just isn't capable of writing compelling movies anymore. This being a huge Marvel franchise, I expected a movie I could get lost in. This movie isn't that. The plot is basically the Guardians murder hundreds of people who innocently work for the "government" Tyrant out of fear and they get hurt/killed all just to save Rocket. There's so much vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity that it doesn't fit. I'm not good two shoes, I cuss like a Sailor but in this movie its just unnecessary. The story isn't compelling. The Guardians show too much negativity, arguing, really screaming nasty arguments that serves no storyline purpose. The Opening Scene sensationalizes alcoholism but then StarLord gallops into the fight of his life with no hangover, no shakes, no signs of addiction...so why put that in there. There's no Epic story here. It drones on and on like all the fake positive reviews clearly written by AI so the real reviews don't shine through. I'll go rewatch The Goonies to remind myself all hope isn't lost on great storytelling. Not everything needs to be violent to tell a good story.