I know almost every song by polo and this is his weakest project but not because its bad but because his last 4 projects were masterpieces I listened to the album a few more times over the week and came to the conclusion this is a very good album at first i disliked it but i realised i was focused on comparing it to polo g’s other works I decided to focus on the album itself removing polos name from it and realised this is a fantastic project and that is why i give it a 5/5 stars my favourite songs are: Thorn, G63, We Uh Shoot & No Turning Back i also really appreciate the goofier track Bad Kids as it adds a nice contrast in the album compared to the very sad or aggressive songs overall in Hood Poet Polo G provides listeners with sad Melodies, Aggressive rap and light hearted rap which means this album has w song that will appeal to all listeners he really shows his versatility overall a very strong project 5/5
- Ibrahim_742 (on ig)