If you like it great keep watching it I honestly don't care I'm just gonna list off reasons why I don't like loving a series that seems to be retconning/resetting all the past things they've created for something new that seems lame or same old cliche.
Apparently the NCR isn't around anywhere in Cali; I'm 4 episodes in and I haven't seen a trace of them in any society function. Its only been 15-20 years since NV. They would be like Roman Empire, broken but into pieces more than anything. Nope its just people in tin shacks.
Turning the BoS into this edgy london Knight/Lord theme. Yes their titles are Knight/Elder/Scribe/etc however I've never once seen them have dialogue like this show does. Its hammered into them since either birth in the bunkers or if we're going east coast then since they join.
I'm not crazy of Lucy being the center not cause shes a bad actor but because I would of enjoyed her more if they simply either gave her smaller lines or mute to transition a RPG character almost just being dragged along in the story like most do.
The writing is basic, people act like this is masterpiece writing but it isn't. They've done the father/son/daughter thing now 3 times.
Fallout 3/4 and now this show. Its getting old. Oh but guess what the vault's waterchip is busted where else have I seen this.
The world is bland, feels like they spent most of the budget on actors/costumes and thats about it. Theres one "settlement" if you wanna call it that and its somehow worse than megaton. Again in Cali where NCR had a full fledged nation happening.