Here's my two cents: If anyone was paying attention to how disloyal Anthony was treating Brandon behind his back. I call that the most accurate form of passive-aggressive behavior. Anthony went to every avenue with which Brandon had a conflict, using them as part of the showcase. That's starting drama that could have been prevented. He is tainting the brotherhood. Second, Anthony is disloyal as soon as Brandon stands up for his wife in front of the group. It was a little petty to go as far as saying he is distrustful. That was a very immature move to form an untruthful alliance based on a conversation at a skating rink! I like Brandon and Kristina, I am still determining Kobi and Russell. Kobi should not have taken the Kobi Cat statement so personally; that was so immature of her she should have stood her ground respectfully against her brand, blown it off, and kept it moving; its enough for all of us to profit out here. Kristina must also understand it's a HUGE compliment when someone is following your ideas. It means you are doing something great and right. Don't criticize; motivate when others are looking up to you! Be Better!
Give the show another season; these things take time to build. Also, you could tell during the shows how the editing was way off. There were a lot of missed moments, to be honest, and it was obvious what was coming next. Hopefully, it will get better with time. I expect drama on these reality shows, but tasteful drama works better, and keeping it real works even better! The audience can spot fakeness a mile away!