I personally know for sure that Nickelodeon continues to fail at ripping off more popular games like smash Brothers and Mario Kart. this case Nickelodeon Kart racers 3 is still a trash video game due to its poor handling controls, questionable choice of race tracks, poor choice of rosters its controversial inclusion of a certain female character who is nothing more than a spin-off version of Avatar Aang. I am also not a fan of not only the exclusion of more popular Nickelodeon characters but also the fact that too many of the power-ups are basically poor imitations of the power-ups from the Mario Kart video games. Nickelodeon's video games like it's rip-off smash Brothers and it's rip-off Mario Kart games are not worth the $60 on previous gen or the $70 on current gen. 1 star!