Maneater is awesome, As a gamer I can say that this game deserves 5 stars. However, Here is where we get to the problems. See after you play this game and beat everything including the DLC, The only thing left to do is to hunt for Electric Great Whites, Bone Sperm Whales, and Shadow Orcas for fun. I feel like they should have made an endless mode just to try to keep the game fresh, and I would still be happy if they said they would update and add more content to the game every 1-2 years, But that won't be as fun.
They should definitly add an endless mode to this game just challenge players with like a boss wave every 5 waves the bosses being Apex predators, Mutated Enemies (Electric Great white, Etc.), Infamy Bosses, Scaly Pete, and the Atmoic Leviathan. Just to keep things spicy and to see how long you can survive against enemies of such strength. There should also be special waves every now and then that have you do a certain objective in a certain amount of time or have you destroy this in a certain amount of time or complete the wave in a certain amount of time. Challenge waves as well featuring only a certain type of enemy like a Shark only wave, Hunted enemies only, Whales only, Albinos only, Alligators only, And if you get far enough through the waves, Apex predator only waves. Eventually, if you get to like wave 60, They should just treat some bosses like basic enemies and just send a whole bunch of 'em.
This may be a lot to code and I understand as a game coder (In a way) myself I would probably not do this, but I'm just saying this to get people to keep on playing the game and show off their scores!
The game devs should make this a free content update either that or make a it another DLC that cost 10 or less (Tax included). I think this would be a great idea. The game is already great and almost needs NO CHANGES! I'm just thinking this to add replayability.
Thanks for Listening!