Outsiders topped them all before Abbott lied and deceived his way in. Since, the show has almost been like politics itself, trying to make it up as it goes along. What I mean by that is, since Abbott, conservative politics across the planet has been directed by Murdoch. And Murdoch has simply had the constituencies on a string. What the SUN in the UK did up until the vote was tell everybody Corbyn was unelectable and would take the UK back to the dark ages and fell for it hook line and sinker. Murdoch is behind everything that has gone wrong with politics since 2013. He brought down Rudd. Australia was economically number 1 in the world. Where are we now? He was fantastic for installing Trump. Where are we now? He installed Boris. Now what? Insiders has had no way of getting any honest answers out of any conservative politician since 2013. Plenty of honesty before that. If Speers can't work out how to get honest answers then he will just shake his head after every episode, wondering what's the point. Which is why I have written this. The show has got to work out how to penetrate, or it will be pointless.