This is by a wide margin the best Pokémon game I’ve ever played. I’ve literally played every single Pokémon game ever made. Starting at the original 1999 games and going all the way to the diamond and pearl remakes. This is by far my favorite Pokémon game I’ve played. It’s definitely much harder of a game considering it’s open world and there is really no set path to follow like in other games. I think anyone who has played several Pokémon games will love this game. HOWEVER I can see children of a very young age having a hard time with it. My 7 year old nephew loved the look of the game and the battling system but had a very hard time actually progressing in the story without help. The new Pokémon feel very original and unique which I love. The graphics are great for a Pokémon game and all the characters feel less one dimensional than other games which is shocking. The cities and wild areas are designed so much better than previous games. Now for what I don’t like… The graphic tearing around buildings is kind of annoying and many of the npc’s stutter and lag when viewed from a distance but stop up close. The fact there is no set or even recommend route means you can battle extremely strong enemies very early on in the game which makes it difficult to progress without looking up a guide on where you should go. I personally think it adds more fun to the game by giving a little extra challenge but I can see others not liking the fact you need to guess and check where to go at points. Overall I think this is the best Pokémon game to come out in years however it is not the best game for someone to hop in to as their first Pokémon game. Over all 9.5/10